Ep. 122: Michael Kornman, Partner at Align Collaborate


  • How to Find Success in PE

  • Revenue Streams for Independent Sponsors

  • Strategies to Scale a Team

...and so much more.

Top Takeaways

  • Flexible and purpose-built capital is key. Investors should provide independent sponsors with flexible capital solutions that support, rather than control, their operations. Michael shares how Align Collaborate embodies this approach, building a collaborative partnership where the independent sponsor is the lead decision-maker.

  • Smart scaling starts with the right team. Michael's experience shows that team members with consulting or transaction advisory backgrounds can contribute significantly to long-term growth and value creation. These hires help drive operational success post-acquisition, allowing the sponsor to focus on higher-level decisions while the team handles day-to-day execution. 

  • Having a dual mindset for long-term success in deal-making. Independent sponsors must juggle optimism with realism when assessing risks and persistence with flexibility when navigating deals. Michael stresses the importance of irrational persistence in committing to promising deals, but it’s just as important to know when to take a step back and explore new opportunities.

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